I was Reminded that Theatre can be Therapeutic
Gosh. I missed theatre and performing so much.
Throughout all of quarantine I was just so stuck and alone and just had nowhere to put any of my energy and I was just so emotionally constipated. And I think it wasn’t until I had to be away from performing for over a year that I realized just how much I need it in my life.
I am a strong advocate for therapy and mental health and have been seeing a therapist for I believe 4 years. I do have a difficult time externalizing my emotions and I really didn’t realize how strong of an emotional outlet performing was for me. Being in a production for the first time in almost two years just reminded me of everything I loved about it. Not just the collaboration, the people, and the overall just fun of it, but how it made me feel about myself. I feel like many of us actors were drawn to theatre because the stage was where we felt the most powerful, confident, lovable, etc. and maybe we struggled with feeling that way about ourselves off stage.
All of that may sound juvenile but even in my 24th year I have my moments where I get in that mindset and performing just does something to me. I truly could not survive without it.
I also would like to clarify that my introduction to therapy was at the same time I was really starting my acting journey and so the two really intertwined in my life and as i gained confidence through therapy I gained confidence on stage and it all just complimented each other.
I wish I could be more specific about my thoughts on this but I guess to make a long blog post short. I love performing and wow it feels good to be back on stage.